Give yourself the spa day you deserve!
Just a couple of months ago, the coronavirus (COVID-19) forced us out of our everyday routines and into our homes for an extended period. Since then, many people have been working tirelessly from their homes, taking care of extended family, and accomplishing the impossible. While this time at home has not necessarily been a form of vacation, the more time we spent inside the more creative people got with having fun and creating activities with and for their families.
Whether you’ve been on conference calls or homeschooling your children, we have created the ultimate checklist to have the best at-home spa day you’ve been needing. Make it a girls night in with a few friends, or spend your weekend relaxing by yourself with these few steps that will ensure peace and serenity.
Before you Begin
Clean Your Space
The first step to a day of complete bliss is starting off clean. While it would be most realistic to just clean your entire living space, it is probably easier and more ideal to start with cleaning whatever spaces you plan to use for your sap day. The most common area which would probably be used the most is the bathroom. Take some time to clean your tub, shower, sinks, mirror, and toilet (you probably wouldn’t need this for the spa day, but if you are cleaning the bathroom you might as well get that too).
If you plan to make this a friends or family night of fun, be sure to clean and tidy up whatever common area you’d be using (whether that be the kitchen, living room, family room, etc.). Once you are done, start collecting all your materials to shorten the amount of last minute runs to the store.
Gather Supplies
You should make a list of all the things you wish to include in your night of indulgence. There are usually a ton of things that can be done when taking a self-care day: bathing, waxing/shaving, facials, manicures/pedicures, body massage, journaling, aromatherapy, washing/ styling hair, etc. Simply jot down your priorities, then make a list of what you will need for each task you plan to accomplish. For the sake of this post, we are covering simple tasks such as bathing, facials, manicures & pedicures, and some light fitness. Below are just some of the things you can use if following this spa day how-to:
Razor/ Wax Strips
Bath Additives (i.e. bubble bath, bath salts, bath bombs, etc.)
Bathtub Caddy
Things to Relax (i.e. candles, speaker, wine, favorite book, etc.)
Face Cleansing Brush
Face Steamer
Store-Bought Face Masks
Foot Spa (a large plastic tub can also work)
Nail Polish Remover
Nail Polish (color & clear polishes)
Nail Tool Set
Body Scrub/ Foot Scrub (our D.I.Y one uses honey, lemon essential oil, coconut oil, and Epsom salt)
Pumice Stone
Hand Towels
Flip Flops
Yoga Mat
Aroma Diffuser
Light Snacks (i.e fruit, sandwiches, vegetables, etc.)
A lot of these items can be obtained at the Dollar Tree or your favorite value store. Keep in mind, though, you do not need to break the bank with this. Keep it simple! Gather the few things you need to help you unwind and help you start your stay-cation.
How-to Spa Day
Now that your area is clean and you have everything you need, the fun part begins! There are a thousand ways you can create your own custom spa right at home. Below is a list of steps as a simple plan to follow, but you can add or remove steps if you like. Remember, the day is all about you! Have fun with it and be sure to inhale and exhale all that stress and work away.
Step One: Soak your Body! (30-45 mins.)
The first step to unwind should always begin with a good bodily soak! First, fill your tub up with warm water. You can also use a number of things to add to your bath water to make it more relaxing, or help your skin benefit just as much as your mind! Below are some things you can add and what they can do help your body heal:
Bubble Bath: This just makes for a fun and prettier bath!
Epsom Salt: Contains magnesium that makes skin soft & smooth, promotes sleep and stress reduction, reduces pain and swelling, and can help with constipation!
Bath Bomb: Again, this makes for a much prettier bath. However, some bath bombs may contain essential oils that can hydrate your skin.
*Coconut Oil: Coconut oil is a carrier oil well-known for its moisturizing benefits to the skin.
**Lavender Oil: Lavender is a common essential oil used for its aromatherapy properties to reduce stress, promote relaxation, and boost moods.
Rose Water: Can be used to soothe skin irritation, reduce redness, enhance mood, and it contains antioxidants.
* Be careful! Oil makes your tub slippery. Take extra caution while entering and exiting the tub.
** (If you are wishing to add essential oils, do NOT add them directly to the water! Add just a few drops of any essential oil to about 2-3 tablespoons of a carrier oil of your choice. Also, be sure only to add any oil to the tub after the water is done running!)
While this is all to add to your pleasure, you can also leave your bath water plain. For added fun, light some aromatic candles and line your tub with relaxing and soothing scents. You can also make use of that bathtub caddy you’ve never used (if you have one) and grab a glass of wine and nuzzle up with your favorite book. Take about 15-20 minutes to soak in the warm water to allow your body to optimize on all the benefits. After, be sure to bathe and cleanse your body.
Many people prefer to shower instead of bathing in the bathtub. If that is your preference, make sure to drain your tub and clean it afterwards. While in the shower, use lukewarm or cool water to help with blood flow and boost your lymphatic system. When you get out the shower, gently dry off and massage your body while applying your favorite lotion. When your skin is fully cleaned and moisturized, you are ready to move on to the next step.
Step Two: Facial (20-30 mins.)
Much like your body, before you can properly pamper your face, you should clean it well. For this, you don’t have to get fancy. Use your favorite facial cleanser and a washcloth and clean your face as you normally would. After that, you are ready for a facial!
The first step to our face pampering is going to be with a face steam. If you own a facial steamer, simply follow the instructions with whichever device you have. However, if you are completely D.I.Y-ing the day, then it should take you about 5 mins to prep your face steaming station. All you have to do is boil some water in a medium sized- pot. When the water is good and hot, take it off the stove. You can keep the water in the pot, or pour it into a glass bowl that can accommodate the amount. Hold your face about 6 inches over the steaming water and cover your entire head with a regular-sized towel (to keep the steam from the pot/bowl trapped in one space). Steam your face for about 5-10 minutes. Now it’s time for a mask!
You can buy a simple face mask from the store, or even use a mask by your favorite makeup company. If you are using one of these, follow the instructions that come along with that mask. You can also research a D.I.Y. mask and create your own facial treatment. Whatever your choice, after washing off your mask, be sure to moisturize your face (or you can continue your face routine as you see fit).
Step Three: Manicures & Pedicures (60-80 mins.)
The last major step in this spa routine is our cuticle care. Before you begin painting your nails and toes, you should prepare them. For your feet, draw up a proper foot soak. A foot spa is the perfect tool for this, however, if you do not have one you can use a simple plastic tub from the Dollar Tree; or perhaps you just have a bin that could be used lying around your home. Fill up whatever you plan to use with hot water (use hot water so as your feet soak, the water doesn’t get too cold). You can soak your feet immediately when the water is ready, or add in some Epsom salt or your favorite oils to detox and heal your skin. Feet are the most forgotten body part, so it is important you take a little time every so often to show them some love! Soak for feet for up to 30-45 minutes. As your feet soak, you can prep your hands.
Start by washing your hands one last time before you begin (make sure to get under your nails, too). You can create a similar soak for your hands as you have for your feet, however, your hands only need to soak for 10-15 minutes max. If you have a nail tool set at home, grab some nail clippers and begin to clip and shape your nails as desired. Next, grab that nail file and file your nails down. Then, clean under your nails. Most nail tool sets sold in beauty supply stores come with nail filers with a rounded tip that can be used to clean under the nails. When all of this is done, you can return to your feet (or if they aren’t done, kick back and watch a little TV for a bit).
After your feet have soaked for a couple of minutes, finish it off with a foot scrub. You can use a common body scrub sold in stores, or you can create your own! A common one I like is made from lemon & honey. First, combine a cup of Epsom salt with a cup of sugar. Then, slowly add in a cup of coconut oil and mix until the mixture is smooth. Lastly, add in 2 tablespoons of honey and 8-10 drops of lemon essential oil. When this is prepared, rub all over the feet and bottom half of the legs. Leave this to sit for about 10 minutes before wiping off with a hand towel. If you really want that salon feel, boil some water and place the hand towels in the hot water. Allow the towels to cool off a bit, then wrap them around your feet and legs for a few minutes before finally wiping the scrub off.
Scrub the bottom of your feet with a pumice stone to remove dead skin and thoroughly wash off the feet. Complete this step by finally painting your nails and toes; if you’d like you can skip painting and move on.
Step Four: Light Snacks (15-20 mins.)
As fun as the pampering was, it’s still pretty important to care for the inside of your body just as much as the outside. Feed yourself with some snacks or a light meal, making sure whatever you eat isn’t too heavy or draining on the body. I recommend some fruit, a sandwich and some soup, or even a nice hearty salad. Also, hydrate yourself. You can have some plain water, or infuse it with some lemons, or other fruits. You can even make a cup of tea to help you unwind.
Step Five: Stretch and Relax (10-15 mins.)
This is more of a bonus step to help relax the muscles and tension in your body. Pull out a yoga mat and follow a short yoga video online, or complete some simple stretches yourself. Make sure to take some time to really move around and stretch out those parts of your body that haven’t been used while sitting in the house. Take this step a bit further by dropping some essential oils into a diffuser, allowing your room to fill with light, sweet-smelling scents. Inhale and exhale deeply during and after your stretching exercises.
Read more about curl care:
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1 comentario
I am loving these ideas especially the DIY suggestions. Can’t wait to plan my spa day.